The hit 2018 Japanese comedy short film “The Benza” is now a six-episode comedy series available for streaming on Amazon Prime via Prime Video Direct in the US, UK, Germany, Austria, and Japan!
Made by the Tokyo based independent production team Tokyo Cowboys, the first season was completed on a shoestring budget of 2,000,000 yen and is full of laughs.
The series itself has already gathered over a million views and is continuing to grow in popularity due to the support of the fan base.
“The Benza” is a just-for-laugh romp through modern Tokyo as two foreigners attempt to repair their broken toilet seat and wind up in the middle of an adventure to save the world. Producer and writer Christopher McCombs wanted to create a comedy that foreigners and Japanese could laugh at together and not feel like one or the other was being laughed at.
As a team, it is Tokyo Cowboys hope that “The Benza” can be a television show you can put on when you are feeling down and forget about your problems for a while.
We hope you will join us on this hyper realistic adventure.
December 11th 2021
Open: 19:00
Start: 19:30
Nakano ZERO Small Hall
2 Chome-9-7 Nakano, Nakano City, Tokyo 164-0001
〒164-0001 東京都中野区中野2丁目9−7

Ticket Cost: Free!

For ticket reservations, email your name to tokyocowboys@hotmail.com
In order to attend the screening, you and your guests must comply with the following instructions and procedures even if you have been fully vaccinated against Covid-19.
-We reserve the right to cancel the the event in the case of a declaration of a state of emergency by the Japanese government related to COVID 19.
- Masks must be worn at all times whilst indoors. Eating and drinking is not permitted inside of the theater.
〇37.5 度以上の発熱がある
〇過去 2 週間以内に政府から入国制限、入国後の観察期間を必要とされている国
- Do not attend if you are symptomatic, have been identified as a close contact within the past 10 days (and are not fully vaccinated) or had a positive test within the past 10 days.
・会場ではソーシャルディスタンスを心がけてください。列に並ぶ場合は1m以上(できれば2m)間隔を空けるよう心がけてください。 出演者、またお客様同士の握手やハグはお控え下さい。
- Groups may sit together, but please leave at least one seat distance between groups. Please make sure to maintain a distance of 1 meter between yourself and other guests.
・入場時に非接触型体温計で検温をいたします。37.5 度以上の発熱がある方はご入場いただけません。
-The temperature of all guests will be checked by thermometer at the entrance. Any guests with a temperature above 37.5 degrees will not be permitted entrance.
-Guests who refuse to wear a mask will not be permitted.