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Ananda Jacobs is a composer, producer, singer, model, and actor.


Born in Los Angeles, California, Ananda grew up in Arizona and Washington State.


After graduating from USC with degrees in Psychology and Music, Ananda moved to Tokyo, Japan, where she started her career as an actress and model. While appearing in commercials as well as Japanese TV dramas, Ananda continues to write and record music. Bridging her interests in technology and creation, Ananda produces and mixes at her home studio in Tokyo.



作曲家、プロデューサー、歌手、作詞家、役者 アメリカのロサンゼルス生まれ、ワシントン州育ち。





Ananda Jacobs 

2022 © TOKYO COWBOYS All Right Reserved.  All pictures, graphics, and text related to The Benza, Benza English, and The Benza RPG may not be reused with out permission.

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