Producer's Comments
Chris: This is the second song you remade for us. Thank you so much for taking on another one! This time the original song is an American song from about 100 years ago. Was it difficult remaking an American song?
クリス: 二つ目の曲だね!最初の話は曲ひとつだけだったんだけど、もうひとつを作ってくれてありがとう!今回はもっともっとアメリカの曲、そして100年前の曲。チャレンジは何かあった?
Hirotake: I think i was really interested in taking this sort of comedic song and turning it into something mysterious. That all comes down to rearranging chords. I had to take care with the chords and there were some places where they couldn't be changed much, so that was a bit tricky.
ヒロタケ: ユーモラスな曲調をミステリアスなアレンジにしたことがとってもやりがいのあることだったかな。コード進行には特に気を遣ったね。メロディが変更できない分、どこでそれを醸し出すかは、コードしかないからね。
Chris: You decided to use some very interesting instruments this time around! What made you choose these two?
クリス: 楽器がすごく不思議で面白い!なんでこの楽器の2つを選んだ?そしてどうやってArrangeを考えた?
Hirotake: To begin with, I immediately wanted to use a harpsichord. Everyone knows the sound of a piano so it is not very mysterious, right? Harpsichord is a sound you don't get to hear every day, so it immediately creates an unsettling feeling. I just really love that instrument so much.l The cello is a popular instrument and I thought it would help add to the appeal of the song.
ヒロタケ: まずはすぐにチェンバロにしようと思ったね。ピアノじゃみんなが良く知っている音だからミステリアスにはならない。大多数の人が普段の生活ではあまり巡り会えないような音に出会ったら、まずそれだけでミステリアスでしょ?(笑)それで、チェンバロにしたかな。個人的に大好きな楽器のひとつ。あとは、広がりや奥行きを持たせたくて、チェロのピッチカートを音色として選んだね。
Chris: Recording was so fun! Care to share a story with us?
クリス: 録音は楽しかったね!エピソードひとつお願いします!
Hirotake: Well, the song is sung by four different people, so it was really interesting working with you to try to figure out who should be singing where and in what style? We had to think about a lot of things-character, the story, the situation they were singing in. You can learn a lot about what everyone is thinking just by what they are singing in the opening.
ヒロタケ: 4人が順番に歌う、シンプルな構成だけど、どの順番で歌うのがベストなのかということを、プロデューサーのクリスとあれこれ相談して決めたことが面白かったね。声は天からの贈り物で、その人そのものを表現するものだから、それらが活きるようにしたくて。キャラクターのそれぞれのフレーズは、声だけじゃなくて、感情も一緒に表現されているから、映画が進むにつれて、何故そういう歌い方がしたのかがわかるようにもなっているよね!
Chris: I think just hearing the song by its self gives you one impression but watching it as part of the movie gives you another. What do you think?
クリス: やっぱり曲だけ聴いたらすごいと思うけど動画と一緒に見たら、どう思う?
Hirotake: I think music made for music is one thing, and it is very interesting. How ever this time is a musical. We recorded these songs before filming and you match the video to the music. That is so...well...musical! You find a way to connect the video to the music and not the other way around. I didn't know how powerful this collaboration would be! It really makes me want to work on other movies and create more music for movies. It really lets two different worlds combine and create a beautiful moment!
ヒロタケ: 映画音楽は映画のためにあるものだけど、独立させてももちろん楽しめるとは思っているよ。実は今回は楽曲制作が先で、その後に撮った映像を音楽に合わせて編集している。それがとてもミュージカルらしくて、音楽の気持ちの良い間合いにと映像の間合いがピッタリに出来ている。映像が入ることでこんなにも説得力が出てくることに感動したね!こういう瞬間を味わうと、ますます映画や舞台のために音楽を作りたくなる。一緒にコラボレーションしたくなる。それぞれの才能の結晶体が映画だからね。こんなに面白いことはないね!
Hirotake Kitakata
Composer and pianist from Ishikawa Prefecture. Grew up in a very musical enviornment. Began studying pop and jazz from a young age. Studied at Aichi Prefectural University of Fine Arts and Music of Music Composition Department and graduated with the Kuwahara Award. Hirotake has worked all over the world in orchestra, brass band, choir, theater music, video music, and many music events regardless of genre. He also teaches music and gives lectures. Currently based in Tokyo but continues to work with his hometown Ishikawa as a tourism envoy.
北方 寛丈
Original song 1920
" After You Get What You Want,
You Don't Want It "
原曲:「 After You Get What You Want, You Don't Want It 」1920年