An American English teacher working at a small school in a remote Japanese town. Optimistic and hard working, Lucas stays focused on his goals no matter how challenging things get.
Christopher McCombs as Lucas
American born print/catalog model and actor, Chris has been performing since the age of 15. He has appeared in various commercials, magazines, music videos including Namie Amuro and DJ Makidai, and One Ok Rock.
He recently appeared in Netflix's original series "Followers" and the Amazon Prime Video series "The Benza" and "Benza English". He is presently starring in TV Asahi's "Kodawari Navi" as well as NHK Educational's "Eikaiwa Feelinglish".
Chris is currently based in Tokyo Japan and is represented by Freewave Entertainment.
アメリカ ラスベガス出身のモデル・俳優。15歳で俳優デビューを遂げ、17歳からモデル業を開始。
ラスベガス、ロサンゼルス、シカゴ、クリーブランドなど各地でモデルとして活動する。28歳の時に来日。現在テレビ朝日の「こだわりナビ」、「英会話フィーリングリッシュ ~データで選んだ推しフレーズ~」にレギュラー出演。
クリエイティブ集団「Tokyo Cowboys」の代表。
第3回Seoul Web Fest 助演男優賞(『Till Death』)
第3回Seoul Web Fest ベストキャスト賞(『Till Death』)
Formosa Festival of International Filmmaker Awardst 主演男優賞(『The Actor and the Model』)
Formosa Festival of International Filmmaker Awards 特別脚本賞(『The Actor and the Model』)