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iOS / Android


On the map, use the directional controller in the lower left corner of the screen to move Chris and Kyle. Press the A button in the lower right corner to check items and talk to people. Press the B button to cancel selections and open the main menu.


Once you’re in the main menu, tap the screen with one finger to make a selection. To cancel a selection, leave a menu, or close the main menu just tap the screen with two fingers at the same time!


The controls in battle work the same as the main menu. Tap with one finger to make a selection, and tap with two fingers at the same time to cancel your selection.


PC / Mac

PC / Mac

On a keyboard

Movement - arrow keys, number pad

Select - Z, Enter, Space

Cancel - X, Esc

Menu -  X, Esc

Dash - Shift

Switch to the next page in the status screen/equip screen - Q, Page Up

On a gamepad

Movement - D-Pad

Select - A

Cancel - B

Menu - Y

Dash - X

Switch to the next page in the status screen/equip screen- LB, RB


2022 © TOKYO COWBOYS All Right Reserved.  All pictures, graphics, and text related to The Benza, Benza English, and The Benza RPG may not be reused with out permission.

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