STORY 4 - The Translator
He is a Japanese business man who doesn't speak English. She is a Chinese business woman who doesn't speak Japanese. Love is in the air, but with a mischievous translator between them, will the two find a way to overcome the words keeping them apart?
Directed by Keita Niwa
Filmed by Raito Nishizaka
Keita Niwa
Edited by Keita Niwa
Sound Editing by Chiaki Kawahito
Story by Christopher McCombs


Kosuke Imai
日本・神奈川県出身の俳優。2003年夕張国際映画祭・市民賞受賞作『演じ屋』で主演デビュー。映像出演200本以上、舞台出演50公演以上。BS日テレ主催の演劇祭「黄金のコメディフェスティバル」で「優秀俳優賞」を受賞。 現在もNetflixで配信中のドラマ『FINAL FANTASY IX 光のお父さん』、情報番組のMC、バラエティの再現ドラマ等、テレビ、映画、CM、声の出演等、多方面で活躍中。
Twitter : @Ko_suke_Imai
TOKYO COWBOYSの作品では、『NOPPERABOU』『Till Death』『The Actor and The Model』に出演。
Originally from Kanagawa prefecture in japan, Kosuke began performing in 2003. He is well versed in stage and screen, and has won several best actor/best supporting actor awards for his comedic abilities. He is currently appearing in the Netflix series "Final Fantasy XI Father of Light" and continues to work in television, radio, commercial, movies, and narration.
Twitter : @Ko_suke_Imai
Kosuke has appeared in Tokyo Cowboys films "Nopperabou," "Till Death," and "The Actor and the Model."

Maria Papadopoulou
Maria is a Sweden born Greek goddess with the wits and beauty to match. She always had an interest in the performing arts but didn't fully realize her dream until she moved to Tokyo, where she's performed in a plethora of Japanese media as well as live theater. Now she is working on her fourth installation with Tokyo Cowboys, not only starting but also directing. A bright future awaits this promising actor and philanthropist.

Chloe Wu
Chinese model and actress. Grew up in Nigata, Shanghai and Washington DC. Started her modeling career in D.C. and expanded into acting after moving to Japan.